Smokeshow Baba Vanga Is Back With Some Terrifying Predictions for 2023, Including A Nuclear Holocaust

NY Post - A blind mystic who allegedly predicted 9/11 is said to have foreseen a nuclear disaster that will ravage Earth before the end of 2023.

Baba Vanga, a blind Bulgarian woman, is rumored to have predicted some of the biggest events in world history.

She died more than a quarter of a century ago, but many of her predictions are said to have come true long after her death.

Now, her followers claim that Baba Vanga foresaw a devastating nuclear disaster that will unfold this year.

The mystic is said to have warned of a major nuclear power plant explosion in 2023 that would cause toxic clouds to settle over Asia.

Her followers believe that other countries could be affected by the explosion due to a spread of serious diseases as the toxic clouds fill the air.

I have a question. If Baba Vanga has been dead since 1996, how the hell are we still being spoonfed her "predictions" every year like they're the Farmer's Almanac or some shit?

I followed this babe's predictions last year thinking she was alive and well, reading the tea leaves and predicting humanity's demise.

Come to find out that's all basically a crock of shit. That this is somebody "deciphering" her prophecies she laid out before kicking the bucket. 

Here is "her" list of predictions for this year 

Baba Vanga’s predictions for 2023

Aside from nuclear disaster, Baba Vanga made four other major predictions for 2023.

Firstly, she is said to have predicted that the Earth’s orbit will change.

While our planet’s orbit around the sun shifts marginally over tens of thousands of years, a more dramatic change would be devastating.

A movement closer to the sun would melt glaciers and flood the planet, while a movement farther away could plunge us into an ice age.

Baba Vanga is also believed to have predicted a powerful solar storm that will rock the climate in 2023.

Solar storms are disturbances on the sun which can emanate outward across the heliosphere and impact Earth.

Some have interpreted her words to mean that a solar tsunami is coming, which could cause major technology failures — though minor solar storms occur fairly regularly without devastation.

The Bulgarian mystic is also said to have predicted that a biological weapon will be used by a superpower in 2023, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Biological weapons are microorganisms like viruses, bacteria or fungi, or toxic substances produced by living organisms that are released to cause disease and death in humans, animals or plants. They are banned by the Biological Weapons Convention.

Finally, Baba Vanga is believed to have foretold the end of natural pregnancies this year.

Her followers claim that all babies will be grown in laboratories, with states and medical experts deciding who gets one. Parents, they say, will be able to choose traits like hair and eye color.

Let's breakdown the tape shall we?

The planet's orbit changing is as chalk as it fucking gets toots. Everybody knows by now that this is totally normal and happens every few millions of years. Tell us something Neil Degrasse Tyson hasn't told us a million times already. Yawn.

The solar storm is no fucking joke. That shit can and will happen suddenly, with no warning, and basically send us back to the stone age. I honestly think we would be worse off with something like a “carrington event” occurring than…

A nuclear holocaust. Which was Baba’s big prediction for the 27th year after she passed away (wink wink).

At least with nuclear winter and mutually assured destruction we’re all dead.

Without electricity, and our entire lives depending on being connected to devices and the www, it would be fucking anarchy. I’m good without all that shit but I’m not trying to live in Waterworld.

Here’s the rest of Baba’s predictions.

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